Home Leading Coaches Center Efficiency Expert Gerhard Schwandt [Recording of Leading Coaches’ Mastermind Call]

Efficiency Expert Gerhard Schwandt [Recording of Leading Coaches’ Mastermind Call]

2 min read

Hear featured Leading Coach was Leading Coaches’ Academy Faculty Member Gerhard Schwandt, an efficiency expert who coaches about efficiency in the context of energy.  He engaged us in a conversation about how to think about our work flow in ways that allow us to create customized systems for how we work.  What are the hats you wear in your work?  What must be done? What shouldn’t be done?  What is only desirable and therefore not aligned with your criteria for the well being of your business?  As a former 5-star executive chef, Gerhard earned the Michelin Star within his first 2 years in the US.  He then started working for a promotions company and broke every sales record before buying the company and expanding it.  While doing that, he started an import business and expanded that before selling both companies and then working as the executive chef on a cruise line for several years.  He’s also traveled around the world as a speaker and consultant before starting his Efficiency Management Systems company in 2002 with his business partner in Germany.  There’s no way he could have done all of that without wisdom and expertise in the area of efficiency and energy flows!

You can listen in here using the player by pressing the ‘play’ triangle below:


“When The Desk Cries For Help!”

Strategies and Actions on how to better organize yourself, your workspace and your organization

(Written by Markus Vogel & Gerhard Schwandt)


The following pages contain suggestions and helpful hints on how you can better organize yourself, your workspace and your organization. These simple but powerful techniques will help improve the running of your organization and managing its resources.

There may be times, while reading through these pages, when you feel like you know this already and you are probably right. However, seeing it written down and put together in this simple booklet might give you an even better understanding of how you can use these tips in your current situation. Experience has shown that the simpler the solution the better the results.

You and your co-workers are involved in many different actions and tasks to keep your organization going and growing and most of these are working for you to a greater or lesser degree (otherwise you wouldn’t be in business, right?!).  These suggestions and helpful hints are meant to assist you in improving where improvement is possible and to increase your growths potential.

Have fun!

Download Gerhard’s 19 page e-book using the red Download Article Button below.

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