Home Magazines Caring Deeply Caring Deeply: Engaging the Four Roles of Life-Fulfilling Generativity

Caring Deeply: Engaging the Four Roles of Life-Fulfilling Generativity

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Essay Twenty Three: Generativity Four–Generativity Roles and Responsibilities

There are a variety of ways in which sage leaders say they help the organizations in which they are primarily engaged in their Generativity Four roles. Seven themes reflect how Sage leaders say they most help their favored civic organizations: personal leadership, specialized expertise, collaboration, finance and fund development, energetic presence, thoughtful listening, and serving as mentors.

Essay Twenty Four: Generativity Four–Expanding the Space

Many Sage leaders muse about the ways they are most helpful at the strategic level of their favored organizations. They exemplify the push in Generativity Four toward expanding the space in which they deeply care. This expanding of space comes in two important forms: (1) increased diversity of civic engagements and (2) movement to a broader perspective regarding how to impact on one’s community.

Essay Twenty Five: Generativity Four–The Satisfaction of Civic Engagement

It is not surprising that Sage leaders of all ages continue to work in their favored civic organizations, because they derive great personal satisfaction and meaning from these Generativity Four experiences. Both Emerging and Senior Sage leaders deliver the message that what they especially enjoy about their civic involvements is work with other people. For them, Generativity Four civic engagement is not only about seeking the betterment of their community; it’s about collaborating with others to bring this result about—to engage collectively the “bigger picture.” In sum, most satisfaction comes from bringing together an engaged group of people to mobilize and achieve a shared civic goal.

Essay Twenty Six: Generativity Four–Motivation

Throughout this set of essays we have identified various sources of motivation that lead individuals to become generative and engage in deep caring activities. There are five motivations that seem to be particularly salient with regard to Generativity Four. These motivations, in turn, lead to what we have identified as “quiet leadership.” The five motivations include altruism, the desire to give back to society and serve the greater public good; self-interest, doing what we want for our own benefit; achievement, being successful in situations that require excellent or improved performance; affiliation, wanting to be with people who are enjoyed; and power, the desire to have influence on situations or on others. All of these motivations have a place in the civic engagement world of Sage leaders.

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