Home Marketing Best Practices BE the Coach: Use Coaching Principles and Competencies in Marketing

BE the Coach: Use Coaching Principles and Competencies in Marketing

6 min read

Why Offer a Free Experience?

Your prospect says yes and you schedule a free 60-90 minutes experience of coaching. During this time you continue to BE the coach as you share energy and determine whether there is a match. You also provide necessary information such as explanation of your context, background or approach, your values, the parameters and rules of engagement AND, save at least 30-45 minutes for a coaching conversation that invites prospects to begin creating their desired results/outcomes for the entire coaching engagement (Establishing the Coaching Agreement). I do 50+ of these a year and am often asked why I offer this for free. Here are my drivers.

– Be an ambassador for the profession
– Be of service, sharing aha moments
– Curiosity about people, learn about others
– Fun
– Purposeful
– Learn about yourself because we are all mirrors for each other
– Chance to practice coaching, improve skill
– Caring connections
– Empowering
– Reinforce your identity as a coach within yourself
– Visibility as a coach, your reputation
– Create space and possibility for awareness
– Opportunities to practice receiving
– Energizing

A few years ago I participated in a study in which successful coaches were asked to what they attribute their success and 90% said, “BE the coach.” So, BE the coach!

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