Home Marketing Best Practices Get Focused, Get Visible, Get Clients

Get Focused, Get Visible, Get Clients

7 min read

Get Focused

In order to be able to answer the question ‘what’s in it for them?’ you need to be able to speak about specifics. Coaching is a powerful tool that can help in lots and lots of different areas of life, but unless the people you want to work with understand that you are exactly what they need, they won’t pay you for your services.

Let me make a list of what coaching can help with:

  • Career development
  • Relationships
  • Financial management
  • Health
  • Confidence
  • Leadership
  • Resilience
  • Time management
  • Work/life balance

I could go on.

The thing is that not everyone is struggling with everything at the same time. In addition, someone who is at the start of their career (for example) needs very different help from someone who is at the end of their career. Yes, they could both benefit from coaching, but the answer to ‘what’s in it for them’ is different for each one. Therefore, those two individuals need to hear different things to understand why they might want to be coached.

To become adept at finding coaching clients who can – and will – pay a professional rate for coaching means that you need to hone in on a particular kind of client, with a problem that coaching can resolve. When you know who you’re talking to, it’s much easier to articulate what’s in it for them.

Mind Monkey Slayer: One of the reasons that coaches resist the idea of getting focused on a particular group of people who have a specific problem that coaching can resolve, is that they don’t want to work with only one kind of client around one kind of problem.

The mind money slayer is this; we know that no matter what problem a client shows up with in session one, it’s never the thing they’re talking about by session three. What this means is that coaches can attract clients who share the same session one problem but will all have different session three problems because each is a unique individual.

Is this mind monkey dead now? I do hope so.

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  1. Kofi

    October 7, 2023 at 7:21 pm

    The library is a real gold mine.


  2. Allan Bennett

    January 9, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    Thanks Sarah for a great article! Very timely read for me as I hone in on my niche!


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