Home Marketing Best Practices Making Calls to Set Appointments: Practice Script

Making Calls to Set Appointments: Practice Script

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The following article was contributed by: http://sealthedealsuccesskit.com/

This worksheet guides you to write a practice script for making calls to organizations to set appointments with prospective clients and key decision makers in that organization. ©Suzi Pomerantz. All rights reserved. Excerpted from Seal the Deal: The Essential Mindsets for Growing Your Professional Services Business

Write a practice script including a quick introduction of who you are and what your company does, the purpose of your call, and the date and time you’d like them to check on their calendar. Then, practice aloud or with a friend by making an imaginary call and asking for feedback.

Practice Script: Setting Appointments

Identification statement ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________ _____________________________________________________________
Purpose of the call ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______
Request for the appointment ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Keeping a List

When making prospecting calls, it is useful to have a quick and easy reference map for yourself. I recommend the following Prospect Contact Log to track who you spoke to, where, when, what happened, and what’s next:

Worksheet: Prospect Contact Log

Contact name & title
Date of contact
Result of call
Next Steps

Tip Sheet: Appointment Setting

␣ Goal: Make the appointment and then get off the phone.

␣ Remember the purpose of your call — getting the appointment. Avoid
drawn out discussions and don’t attempt to sell the prospect on the phone.
␣ Give the prospect a reason to see you and find the reason to see them. “We really should get together…”
␣ Request a specific date and a time for the appointment. Get the prospect to open his/her calendar. Return to that date and time request (or propose another specific time) after each question or objection.
␣ Understand the numbers game and set personal goals.
␣ Use your script.
␣ Be honest–do not tell the prospect that the meeting will take 5 minutes when it will take more time.
␣ Be prepared for objections. Practice your responses.
␣ Smile! Get a mirror for your desk.
␣ Remember the ONE rule: Offer No Excuses…just set the appointment and get off the phone.
␣ Don’t call the same leads too often.
␣ Leave messages that allow you to remain the driver of the process: “I’m sorry I missed you, if I haven’t heard back from you by next Wednesday, I’ll try you again then”.
␣ Ask the gatekeepers for help.
␣ Use third parties and referrals to get through.
␣ Always begin with the most senior person who could possibly use your services.
␣ Ask for the prospect’s help to better serve him or to better understand the organization’s decision-making processes.

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