Home Marketing The Lead Hunt Workbook- Exercises for Building a Clientele

The Lead Hunt Workbook- Exercises for Building a Clientele

17 min read

You’ve been following your business plan yet your business is flat. What is missing? Most coaching business plans are composed of activities that are actually tools for keeping an already-built market engaged until they are ready (if ever) to purchase your service or commodity. They miss the first and most essential step: describing, finding, and building a list of people who are potential clients/contracts or conduits to those clients/contracts. Part of our business development plan must include cultivating a large swathe of leads who direct us to the people who would be best served by our coaching specialty. It is incumbent on us to incorporate building a universe of potential clients into our repertoire of skills. This workbook comprises a series of written exercises that will 1) help you identify your niche and your desired or ideal client 2) provide delineated steps to identify and locate both leads and potential clients and 3) expand your networking opportunities.  Since the workbook contains tables and charts, please print it out by downloading the full PDF using the red “Download Article” button at the bottom of the page.

The Lead Hunt Workbook- Exercises for Building a Clientele

You’ve been following your business plan. You have a blog and newsletter, offer free webinars, and post on social media. Yet your business is flat. What is missing?

Most coaching business plans comprise activities that are actually tools for keeping an already-built market engaged until they are ready (if ever) to purchase your service or commodity. They miss the first and most essential step: describing, finding, and building a list of people who are potential clients/contracts or conduits to those clients/contracts.

The fact of the matter is that people who would be best served by coaching do not necessarily know what coaching is, let alone know where to go to find a coach who matches their particular issue or situation. Their path of least resistance is to their insurance company’s list of mental health professionals for referrals. Businesses both small and large that would benefit from organizational and talent development do not necessarily know that coaches readily facilitate and support those activities.

Doing the leg work of finding your potential client is essential. The task of getting leads is defined as locating and connecting with your market so that it learns of your services. It is incumbent on us to incorporate building a universe of potential clients into our repertoire of skills. Part of our business development plan must include cultivating a large swath of leads who direct us to the people who would be best served by our coaching specialty.

This self-guided workbook comprises a series of written exercises that will 1) help you identify your niche and your desired or ideal client, 2) provide delineated steps to identify and locate both leads and potential clients and 3) expand your networking opportunities. The lead is the starting point; the client is the ending point.

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