Let’s face it. Your fan page is the equivalent of the party in college that no one wanted to attend. Sure, your mom and best friend may be your fans. They may fan your auto shop or financial services consulting page on Facebook. But, for the most part – no one else will.
People Fan Pages Based on Their OWN Identities.
I learned this lesson in graduate school while researching for my thesis. People don’t join groups or fan pages because of you or what you offer. They join because of them.
Facebook is the ultimate mirror. We create profiles that reflect who we are as human beings. We fan pages based on how they fit into our image of ourselves. See yourself as a neighborhood proud soccer mom? You will probably fan the local farmer’s market page. See yourself as a technology and book lover? You will probably fan the Kindle.
Understanding how people fan pages will help you get more fans.
No One Loves Your Business THAT Much.
If you aren’t Coca Cola or Mac – the chances are that people won’t flock to your fan pages. Your brand may not be what people identify with on a daily basis.
Not every business or organization has a personality that people clamor for. It is unrealistic to expect that. Not every CEO is Tony Heisch (Zappos) or Anthony Holloway (K9Cuisine.com). Some industries aren’t exciting on a daily basis. This is especially true of many B2B companies.
I heard a funny story from a colleague last week who said her gynecologist’s voice mail said to fan their page. She said no, thanks.
People Love IDEAS! Themes.
So, no one will fan your Facebook page –willingly, that is. You have to build around ideas. So, you sell real estate? Your company may get some fans, but “Looking for my Dream Home” will get a lot more. You may be a local AC company, and you may have 10 fans. But, create a fan page around your city and “what’s hot” – you will get a lot more fans.
Your business can SPONSOR a theme. Think about the last presidential campaign. President Obama backed “Change.”
What’s Your Big Idea?
So, what can you get behind? What can your organization or business support? How can you become a part of people’s identities? Rally for something bigger than yourself. Make sense?
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