LPC is proud to have curated the world’s largest collection of vetted articles related to coaching, and we now top 1,111! Can you help us get to 2,000?
To celebrate this accomplishment and to accelerate the journey to the 2000 mark, we invite you to support the Library as a monthly sustainer by becoming a Patron and Founding Member of the 2K Club!
Here’s what you’ll get for your patronage:
Complimentary Copy of Two Books on Professional Coaching Best Practices
Once you have signed up for the 2K Club you will receive the following two books (as a digital pdf file):
- Coachbook by William Bergquist and Agnes Mura: second edition of a 400-plus page book reviewing four major coaching strategies along with more than thirty coaching tools to be used in implementation of these strategies. A $25 value
Seal the Deal by Suzi Pomerantz : A 300-plus page book reviewing the core components of business development for coaches and how to integrate strategic, simultaneous action in the domains of networking, marketing and sales. A $19 value
Complimentary Copy of Curated 2015: The Best of LPC and Issues of Curated 2016-2023
In honor of passing the 500-document goal, a select panel of coaches has identified the best articles in the library. Some of the articles concern the tools of coaching, while others identify some of the key concepts and strategies associated with professional coaching. Additional articles explore themes that complement the coaching profession–including informative and provocative essays regarding leadership and the complexity of organizational life. Finally, there are several articles that focus on the life and work of specific leaders in the field of professional coaching. We assembled these articles and produced eight digital books that are available at no cost to members of the 2K Club.
Personal Gratification as a Patron or Benefactor of LPC
Perhaps most importantly, you will be contributing in a very tangible way to the continuing growth and development of a digital library that has been identified (in the yearly Sherpa study) as one of the five most important coaching resources in the world.
And, of course, you’ll have bragging rights…you’ll be able to add the titles Patron of the Library of Professional Coaching and Founding Member of the 2K Club to your professional bio, your email signature matter, your social media profiles, etc., to demonstrate your commitment to excellence in our profession.
All this for only $5 per month! For your convenience, just enter your information on our secure page below and for less than the cost of a cup of coffee, you will be making a lasting contribution to the coaching industry and demonstrating your commitment to excellence in our profession. Alternatively, you could choose a larger annual contribution and become a Benefactor of the Library. If you choose to be a Benefactor, you will receive all the patron gifts above as well as your name, photo, and bio featured on our Benefactor Page.
Your credit card will be automatically charged monthly as a Patron (or annually if you choose the Benefactor option*). Your financial support helps ensure that you can keep the resource that is the LPC available and growing. We thank you for your support!
Join the 2K Club!
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Please use the patron badge below on your website or in your emails to let coaches around the world know about the amazing resource the Library is!
*Should you need to contact us to remove your automated charge, please email us at the address below (but remove the spaces). Thank you!
owners @ libraryofprofessionalcoaching . com
Janet Locane: Thanks...