Home Research Coaching Surveys Development of Coaches: VIII. Are There Any Differences between Coaches from USA and from Other Countries?

Development of Coaches: VIII. Are There Any Differences between Coaches from USA and from Other Countries?

58 min read

There appear to be no significant or even near significant differences between USA and non-USA coaches regarding their perspective on current practices. While the first set of questions (“Since you began . . . “) concern shifts over time in the respondents’ assessment of their own coaching practices (a motion picture), this second set of questions “Overall at the present time”) concern the respondents’ assessment of their coaching at the present time (a snapshot). Overall, the results from neither of these first two sets of questions yielded significant results—regardless of the perspective being taken. In most cases, the USA and non-USA respondents exhibited minimal differences in their reflections on coaching practices—when reviewing their practices at the present time (snapshot).

It is worth noting, however, that there were several significant or near significant results when coaches reflected on changes in their practices over time (motion picture). We might find that cultural differences are more likely to be revealed through examining developmental shifts rather than by looking at one’s current developmental state. Obviously, this is highly speculative, since I am basing this hypothesis on the absence (rather than presence) of significant findings. Nevertheless, this distinction between developmental shifts and current states might be worth keeping in mind when future studies are being conducted.

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