Home Research History of Coaching An Interview with John Lazar: Institutions and Influences

An Interview with John Lazar: Institutions and Influences

26 min read

Then in the early ‘90s, after those three gentlemen had gone their own way with respect to their businesses, Julio started his own company called Newfield Network.  I took my initial coach training with him, I think in ’92.  It was in the ’80s, while I was doing work in organizational settings that I actually got the label from someone that what I was doing was coaching.  Before that, I was doing what I was doing but didn’t really have a name to hang it on.  That became more important to me because I was good at it and because I had already been listening deeply, had already been able to do at least some of the things that a coach does.  It made a lot of sense for me to get trained formally, which I did.

Actually, I was at AT&T for some years, and they paid for my training in the Ontological Design Course (ODC) that I had with Julio, Fernando, and Rafael.  They also paid for my training with Julio in Newfield.

The other pieces that I would mention, Bill, are that from 1993 to 2004, I was involved at Landmark Education Corporation.  That was building on the work of Werner Erhard and, certainly, Fernando Flores, as well as the theorists on Speech-Act Theory, philosophy and other things about communication.  That was a fertile ground for my own learning and development. The last seven years I was a master coach or a coach of coaches in the Team Management Leadership Program (TMLP).

It gave me an opportunity to stay actively engaged in some very rich conversations about what it means to be a team and what it means to make things happen together as a team.  I got to coach the people who were coaching the teams and support their development because these are multi-year programs.

Contributing to Institutions:  Professional Growth

Bill Carrier:  You’ve done a really good job given a picture of how you got started and the middle portion of your coaching profession.  You’ve been doing this for about as long as coaching has been around.  How about a little bit of context to and what’s been happening since 2004?  We’ll get into the details later but what other organizations have you been involved in?

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  1. Rey Carr

    March 12, 2016 at 10:11 am

    Finally, I understand what happened to that excellent journal, The International Journal of Coaching in Organizations. John is to be congratulated on establishing a publication that lifted coaching into both the world of empirical science and friendly dialogue. I’m grateful for your pioneering efforts.


  2. Vicki Foley

    February 7, 2017 at 7:57 pm

    Bill and John, thank you for this interview. I enjoyed the historical perspective, a bit of reminiscing about IJCO and ICCO, and the suggestions of ways to associate within the profession. John, you are a revered master.


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