Home Tools and Applications Collaborate/Partner Why the ICF Core Competencies are Essential Building Blocks to Enable True Collaboration

Why the ICF Core Competencies are Essential Building Blocks to Enable True Collaboration

4 min read

Are All Their Ducks in a Row?

Siblings and founding partners Sarah and Brian are ready to launch a new business. They’ve crunched the numbers, developed a business plan, invested in market research and are planning to bring together a small team to work with them. Everything seems to be in place.

So caught up in the business itself, Sarah and Brian have given no thought to how they’ll manage their business relationship and ensure that everyone on their future team can work together collaboratively, both online and offline. What would it look like if Brian and Sarah took the time to build a solid framework for their working collaboration, based on the Core Competencies?

The Updated ICF Core Competencies in Action


Demonstrates Ethical Practice

If their business collaboration is to succeed, Sarah and Brian will need to act with integrity, guided by the principles of ethical and professional business practice. Joining membership organizations relevant to their sector will provide them with trustworthy credentials that will demonstrate this.

Establishes and Maintains Agreements

To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings later on, Sarah and Brian should recognize the boundaries and expectations of their distinct relationship as siblings and business partners. This will allow them the freedom of knowing “what goes on at work, stays at work” and vice versa. As the partnership expands into a wider team, this agreement establishes the foundation on which the team will collaborate, forming the basis of the partnership culture, or “how we do things around here.”

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