Home Tools and Applications Collaborate/Partner Why the ICF Core Competencies are Essential Building Blocks to Enable True Collaboration

Why the ICF Core Competencies are Essential Building Blocks to Enable True Collaboration

4 min read

Embodies a Coaching Mindset, Maintains Presence, Listens Actively, and Cultivates Trust and Safety

True collaboration requires us to really ”see” each other—to move beyond the designated roles or tasks allocated and focus on each member of the partnership or team as an autonomous person. For Sarah and Brian, this means learning to consciously lead their team not just by their actions, but also by how present they are with each other and their team. This can be achieved in simple ways. For example, they can carve out time in the work week for reflection and feedback on how the team is doing and their experience of working together. The siblings should actively listen and act with integrity on what’s being communicated.

Maintains Presence, Evokes Awareness, and Cultivates Trust and Safety

A key to good collaboration is curiosity and questioning with the intent to understand more about other’s point of view. It is the exploration of a different mindset that allows us to synergize our thoughts and ideas and build on others’ contributions. Sarah and Brian can raise their awareness of what’s really going on for them as leaders and as a team by asking open questions as well as noticing and reflecting back their own and others’ responses to work situations.

Embodies a Coaching Mindset, Evokes Awareness, and Facilitates Client Growth

If Brian and Sarah’s collaborative business venture is to succeed and their personal and professional relationships are to thrive, they will need to cultivate a growth mindset. Imagine what kind of working environment and bottom line results could be achieved if mistakes were learned from, everyone’s unique contribution was valued, and successes were celebrated.

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