Home Tools and Applications Executive Coaching LPC Honors Suzi Pomerantz with The Gordon Lee Salmon Sustainable Leadership Award and Event

LPC Honors Suzi Pomerantz with The Gordon Lee Salmon Sustainable Leadership Award and Event

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Written Comments

In addition, some written comments were made by Suzi’s clients, friends and colleagues (who were unable to attend the April 6 event):

Suzi was the first coach to welcome me to DC and she’s never stopped welcoming me.  Suzi is endlessly supportive of individual coaches, like me, of the coaching community, and of the coaching profession as a whole.  With her love, kindness, and support, Suzi embodies what it means to be a coach. Congratulations Suzi.  I love you. – Alison Whitmire

Suzi’s unique blend of empathy, expertise, and intuitive understanding of human and organizational dynamics does more than just make her a great coach: it makes her a trusted confidant, a collaborator, and with a healthy dose of her mischievousness, a humorous co-conspirator. She can reframe any discussion within the grand arc of the human experience, and then laugh together at the absurdity of our ambitions. It’s disarming. She penetrates conceits and helps us build on a foundation of our true selves. It has been a sincere privilege to have been a fellow traveler, and I offer her my admiration and gratitude. — Chris Lunt

My gratitude for Suzi: Suzi is a force. I would not be where I am today as a leader without her coaching and care. We met during an accelerator at a point where I was struggling. Then COVID hit. Through the ups and downs of rising to meet the needs of COVID, navigating organizational growth, and reckoning with the type of leader I wanted/want to be, Suzi was a source of insight, perspective, and compassion. She was a partner in looking at sticky situations, providing tools that helped me unstick myself and thus the organization. I am forever grateful for Suzi and am thrilled that her work is being acknowledged with this award. I only wish I could be there in person to give her a huge hug – something that despite working together for years, we’ve never done! Suzi, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you and being in my life. all the best. — Jaime-Alexis Fowler

For the past 13 years, Suzi has not just been my Executive Coach, she’s been my voice of reason, my shoulder, my lens of clarity, and my friend.  She’s helped me through dark times, helped me see myself in a new and more forgiving way, and she’s helped shape the way I think, interact, support, and lead.  I’m grateful for her wisdom and knowledge, but mostly for her support and kindness.  Suzi is incredibly deserving of this award, and I’m so thankful that she made her way into my life, as she changed it for the better, and helped drive it down a better path.  Congratulations to Suzi! — Jen Levithan

Suzi Pomerantz is indeed a very special person and a true pioneer and leader. I am so delighted you are celebrating Suzi’s contributions and accomplishments, and we are lucky to have her in the coaching community! Warmest wishes. — Karlin Sloan

It is not surprising to me in any way that Suzi Pomerantz is being given this award, which I guess says something in and of itself. Her work with me helped me to find a path to thriving during a time in which, although it looked to the outside world that I was thriving, I was really only barely surviving. She was my coach, my cheerleader, and my friend equally. The reverberations of her sessions with me still vibrate in the threads of my life. Congratulations, Suzi! — Kellee Santiago

Suzi and I raise kids together and share life events as family.  She has always been my beautiful, steadfast, accepting, loving, giving human on every level.  I feel so fortunate to have met her almost 20 years ago and continue to feel grateful for the time we spent together.  Can’t want to see what the next 20 years and beyond look together as family, as memory keepers. — Lori Marshall

Suzi – my fellow coach, cherished friend, and a source of constant inspiration to me and so many others. While I am sorry I cannot be part of today’s celebration, I am thrilled that you are being recognized for your leadership in the coaching profession over 3 plus decades. Your commitment to constantly elevating our profession, protecting its integrity and promoting its power to transform leaders and the world has made you a more than worthy recipient of this honor.  With heartfelt admiration and deep gratitude, — Margie Warrell

Suzy stands out in our coaching community as a leader and supporter for us all trying to make a difference in our world. Her consistent commitment to enlightening and developing the worldwide coaching community is awe-inspiring. She is always there to help. Her wisdom is deep. I am proud to be a colleague of Suzi Pomerantz. — Marcia Reynolds

Suzi is a dear friend and we have shared so many wonderful conversations, meals and much more over two decades. Suzi has always been a gentle and keen listener and has helped me tremendously in my personal and professional journey. I always look up to her and admire her willingness to offer unconditional support and appreciate her insightful approach to resolving issues without any judgement.  Suzi deserves this recognition more than anyone else I know. So proud of you Suzi!! Wishing you all the best now and always. — Padma Ayyagari

Beyond a brilliant coach, Suzi is a cheerleader – as in this game of life you need both. Suzi is one of the most generous and kind people I know, and her heart shines through in every interaction. I admire (and adore) her uncanny ability to wrap her advice in amazing visual metaphors that stay with you long after the conversation has ended. Her guidance is never generic; it’s always profoundly thoughtful and meticulously tailored to your unique situation. Suzi’s impact on my life is immeasurable, and I am deeply grateful for her wisdom, support, and friendship. She deserves ALL the awards, and I am so glad that today she is presented with this one. Thank you once again! Warm regards.  — Yana Buhrer Tavanier

My husband, myself and a dear friend were all driving to a friend’s wedding at Lake Anna about 15 years ago.  The entire trip, they were raving about a fellow coach, Suzi Pomerantz.  And finally, I was going to get to meet her.  I’m pretty sure I went up to her and said “so you are the great, amazing coach, Suzi.  I have heard about you for years. I had a lovely time at the wedding and Suzi and I bonded nicely and decided to meet for coffee monthly, which we did for years.  Not only was she a special treasured friend, but she always asked me about my business and then proceeded to give me brilliant ideas that always made an enormous positive difference.  I definitely got to see why my husband and friend bragged about her all the time.  I got on the Suzi, Coach extraordinaire bandwagon easily, in addition to my very special relationship as “friend”.  — Bev Nerenberg

I’m so sorry I didn’t get a chance to say something today at your very beautiful celebration of you getting the Lee Salmon Award. You so deserve it. But I wanted to say Suzi, in a world of hype, you’re the real thing. In a world of loneliness, you’re a friend to people. Today is obvious. In a world of kind of pretense posturing, you’re the authentic, deep resource. In a world where people just say whatever, you speak the truth. You’re a truth-teller. And I think actually there’s so much about your goodness, but I want to say, you know, when I reflect on you, one of the things that you do is you do really transform darkness into light. You’re a darkness transformer, and that’s how you alchemically remove the poisons around you and lighten the burden for others. So I revere you. I admire you. I’m sorry I didn’t speak for you today. My Zoom things were not working. No signals were working. I don’t know why, but I have so much love and respect and admiration and can’t even tell you, and you deserve every piece of goodness. Mazel Tov, you are the mensch of not only the moment- of all moments, and you deserve today. And I hope you are sitting and absorbing and letting all of your telomeres kvell from the goodness you received. And your kids, they should just always be protected and reflect their love to you because they were so proud for you today. Appropriately so. Lots of love. Many thanks for somehow including me. It was an honor.  —Dorothy Siminovitch

For more written comments, visit Suzi’s website.

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  1. Kim Lewison Komrad

    April 19, 2024 at 5:31 pm

    What a wonderful honor, Suzi! You are so deserving of this, and more! You are one of the most wonderful people I’ve ever known, and this award, having read its description and in whose memory it is given, truly suits you. I was unable to be in attendance for the ceremony, but I have read the transcript and all the comments, and I am so proud of you! You have touched so many people with your love, dedication, and wisdom, and you have, and continue to, make the world a better place.


  2. Deborah Kornbluth Berger

    April 19, 2024 at 7:54 pm

    Suzi, we are all so proud of you! You are a great friend, mother and coach. You have worked very hard and it has paid off! Your book, your coaching and just help to others are noticed by so many. You are an inspiration! Love ya!


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      Suzi Pomerantz

      April 24, 2024 at 10:08 am

      Many thanks, Debbie…as my longest life friend of 53 years and counting, your kind comment means so much!


  3. Madeleieine Homan Blanchard

    April 22, 2024 at 7:34 pm

    I am so sad I had to miss this. Suzi is indeed a role model for leadership. She is beautiful inside and out, is thoughtful and creative. And a very good friend.


  4. Bill Carrier

    May 2, 2024 at 5:53 pm

    Suzi, this is a truly well-deserved honor. Your incredible intuitive coaching, your immense care for your clients, your unwavering integrity, and your innovative future-focus draw the best out of clients, colleagues, and our profession. It’s wonderful to see the important positive work you do in the world, and it’s great to see you recognized for it!


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      Suzi Pomerantz

      May 3, 2024 at 4:47 pm

      Thank you, Bill. I very much appreciate your kind comments and miss our visits!


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