Home Leadership Leadership Dilemma: The American Leadership Paradox

Leadership Dilemma: The American Leadership Paradox

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How do we survive in a Leaderless society if our models in family, business, politics, education, and more, require a Leader who has power that is admired and followed?

•Can we all be leaders without followers or is there another solution?

Currently, the common consensus is that: our Leaders are unethical, self-centered, and ruining our economy! Americans, don’t trust the government, don’t trust commercials, and in fact, place little faith on anything. Why? Is it because Americans are horrible people, or is it because our system is coming to a breaking point? I argue for the latter.

•Why do we tolerate unethical leadership?

•Why do some leaders act unethically?

Our individualist system funneled these leaders to the pinnacle because they are the best players of the game our society has produced. They are tolerated because, if they are great Leaders, elitist, and are flawed, then the individual perception interprets an ego-boost which sends the individual’s self-esteem sky rocketing. The ego-imagination covets the positive regard of a Leader, and an unethical Leader with praise is lesser qualified for the role of Leader than the self. The American Leadership Paradox!

•How do we fix the Paradox?

Fixing or modifying any paradox is a mission within a mission, which might never be accomplished, and is why venturing out on this journey is more than challenging. Albeit while complex, well worth the strategic effort because Leadership is an integral part of a successful society.

Professional Leadership Coaching

Enhancing self-awareness of cultural factors and aiding in understanding the application of value-based Leadership. Utilizing expert coaching tools to raise awareness and move Leaders through blinding dimensions. As coaches, we could participate in curbing and overcoming the deterioration of the aforementioned: American Leadership. We cannot be concerned with the system and concentration of choosing Leaders, but rather, concentrate on the coaching role in development which is integral to Leadership success. This article challenges all qualified coaches to understand the dynamics of Leadership and contribute to supporting the evolution & success of the Leadership dimension.


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One Comment

  1. GEEC

    April 21, 2012 at 12:28 am

    Hi Keith,
    This was a very well written article. It gave me pause as we’re about to launch 14-new classes on leadership and development over the next few months. Pause, why? you ask. Personally, I have spent over 4-years of my life and $40k developing amazing products and services based on market research for my clients. The first thought that came to mind after reading this article was, is there going to be a new term for leadership. I hurriedly rushed over to adword and speedily looked up any alternative terms for leadership. Whew! leadership still works. But on my search I found an interesting article that again made me wonder about leadership and innovation management. From another angle… what if we instead of leading by seniority, or position, we lead by innovation. You know that’s what my husband and I do in our marriage and it works great. Who ever has the best intuition, insight and mindset in the moment take the lead. It is an inflow and outflow based on who is best to fill the shoes at the time. I wonder if we can propose an innovation in leadership where the leader is the one who is most open to succeeding at the time. I wonder what it would do to our push me pull you society. Is that to radical for a capitol driven society, with all the LOA language out there today, I wonder what would come of our world. What if leadership became a team effort based on who was most fit for the project this week. We all have moment of time when we’re just not able to perform at our best, even when we are doing our best. What would happen is we were able to let go of our need to be on top and created a system that there was no shame in letting the mail boy carry the meeting later this week. How would it change our pay structures, and what would it do to the land of opportunity? Just a thought from a GEEC.


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