Home Tools and Applications Career / Life Planning Ten Life Vision Exercises and Ideas to Help Your Clients Get Inspired by Life

Ten Life Vision Exercises and Ideas to Help Your Clients Get Inspired by Life

5 min read

And here are 7 other Life Vision Exercise Ideas:

1. The Eulogy Exercise: What would they want said about them in their eulogy – or at their funeral/memorial service? What would the like written on their tombstone? (use this one with care and in good rapport)

2. Ask them to write out their “Ideal Day”. They should start their ideal day from when they wake up – and write out what they would like their day to be like. What would they do? How would they feel? Who would they see? What are they working on/towards? etc.

3. Creative Visualisation. Talk them through meeting their future self and explore the life, relationships, environment etc. that their future self is living.

4. The Magic Wand Question. If they had a magic wand, what life would they create for themselves? What would they do in the next 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years and then 25 years?

5. Use a Wheel of Life Template and ask your client what they would like their life to look like in each of the key areas? Options include writing a list of what they want in each of the wheel segments, or using the wheel headings as homework to journal more deeply into each area.

6. Devote a whole session to their life visioning. Put pieces of paper on the floor representing the next 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years and then 25 years. Get them to step on each piece of paper in sequence (starting with 25 years and working backwards), close their eyes and then ask them questions. What do they see/feel/hear? Who is there with them? Where are they? What do they love about their life right now? To go more deeply you can use the Wheel of Life Categories to ask what is going on in their life. Make notes for them as they go and then (if they are interested) give them homework to summarise and write this up in their own words.

7. Get your client to create a Vision Board for their LIFE. Ask them to cut out pictures, quotes – anything inspiring that represents the life they want for themselves. The items don’t have to make logical sense, they just pick images that appeal to them. Then arrange and glue the images to a large piece of paper. Hey presto – a vision board for their life!

Top Tip: The more people write, the more life vision exercises they do, the more detail they will go into. And the more rich and detailed their life vision is, the more meaningful and inspiring it will be.

Like I said, there are endless ways to help people create a strategic life vision. Take an idea, play with it. Get creative and have fun!

“The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams.” Og Mandino


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