Five Steps to Breaking Free

11 min read

I am a rebel.  I’ve always been a rebel. Even though the evidence has been there all along, I came to the conscious awareness of this truth just recently, which means I am still in the throes of accepting it. But acknowledging it consciously has been very freeing, and has given me the opportunity to follow my heart even more.

My name is Lori Gregory, and I am a natural healer specializing in Ayurveda and Metaphysics, and music.

I started off as an MBA-toting investor relations specialist, hawking pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to Wall Street, which is about as far from natural healing as you can get.  So my magnificent journey, like so many others, has involved movements of 180 degrees. But that journey has transformed my experience — from one of fear, lack, limitation and not-enoughness to one of self love, living from the overflow of abundance, empowerment to manifest anything I desire, and the ability to share and teach others the same process.

The most overarching lesson I have learned so far is that the heart and head do not naturally work together. It is a relationship that must be cultivated. Native Americans say, “The longest 12 inches in the world is between the heart and the head.”  I have learned that this is true.

I have also learned that when the heart and the head are working together, and when the spirit is there as the divine escort, miracles happen. The heart holds our desires, and the head helps us reach them.

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