Five Steps to Breaking Free

11 min read

I know this kind of dialogue errs on the side of the ethereal.., fun for those of us who like to delve in such things, but not exactly practical application of how to break free of the gravity of culture to achieve some extraordinary intent. So for the sake of discussion, I will move quickly to the ‘how’ for the purpose of practical application.

Just a quick word: As a metaphysician I have learned that when manifesting anything in my life, I focus only on the what. I leave the how to God, which is an act of courage and faith in and of itself. My job is only to focus on what it is I actually desire.  Holding that frequency is all I have to do.

Here are five key components that have been essential in helping me break free of cultural expectations and instead allowed me to move to my deeper purpose. My hope is that it will inspire you toward deeper understanding of yourself, that in some small way it will help you to bring your desires to you, as well as the awareness that achieving all of it is entirely up to you.

1.  Pain is a Great Motivator, if we are willing to work with it and not just stop it  from happening.

Stories of liberation are always magnificent. And usually they start with pain. Pain is a great teacher and is often the first indicator that change is in the wind. Learning to embrace and trust it, and listen to it, is a key step into wisdom. The winds of change are always going to blow, and change is the only constant we have.

My philosophy is, the deeper the pain, the bigger the change that is coming. If we want to break free from life as we know it, the first step is recognizing that pain is a gift. It tells us exactly where we need attention.

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