Five Steps to Breaking Free

11 min read

Not sharing everything with anyone is one of the best pieces of advice I ever received, because not everyone on the planet is ready for all this stuff. And when we share these transformational ideas with those who are not ready to consider them, their ego (which is in a constant state of fearing death and annihilation), will rear its ugly head and try to shoot us down.  When this happens, remember it’s not about you; it’s about their own fears.

That’s why it’s important to not tell everyone what you are doing. You will know if you sit back and watch and listen, who is open to what you are doing and who is not.  Don’t let your ego or insecurities tempt you into sharing just as a way to gain validation. Have faith, trust, and breathe. If you feel a strong need to share, write in your journal. There are tons of great books available (see my reading list on my blog: Great books on the subject of transformation and spiritual growth abound, and our digital age means often you can download a book with the click of a button. Grow your library, and recognize people come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Again, don’t be afraid of change. Just trust your path and allow yourself to be on the journey.

4.  Use powers of manifestation to create exactly the world you desire.

The 4th dimension (the Internet), has given us so much in terms of shared information. There are zillions of examples of people who have defied odds to achieve their goals. Why should you be any different? The truth is, you aren’t. If you don’t have an outer world that matches your inner world that simply means the work is not yet done. If there is a discrepancy between what you desire and what is, there will be pain. And as we all now know, that pain is trying to tell you something. That pain wants to inspire you to do something different.

There are numerous ways to manifest, with integrity, what you desire. Vision boards, journaling, meditation, yoga, tai chi, qigong.., the list goes on. What’s important is to find a methodology that works for you, and build it into your routine so that you do it. Surround yourself with people and things that support and inspire this process, and then allow yourself to have it.

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