The Pause That Refreshes

5 min read

I could never relate the details of any of these trips and how they translated my inner world, with such powerful pauses from my usual world.  But they changed me, in ways that would not have happened by just doing my routine at home.  That being said, I still do short pauses alone on walks, bike rides, or meditating or journaling, and my wife and I love to do get away weekends and mini vacations to new places.  They change the way we see the world, they allow us to spend time together exploring new things and places, and these pauses allow a kind of “re-booting” of our inner guidance system.

I miss my wife and our life together when I am gone, and I miss the comfort of my bed and our beautiful life together in a very comfortable house.  And I come back with a heart and soul ready to be a more thoughtful and caring person, more reflective, open, and whole hearted.

So my question to you who read this is, how do you pause?  When is the last time you engaged in a Purposeful Pause out of your comfort zone, by yourself or with someone special?
How is pausing built into your day, your week, and your years?  Think about an inventure or journey you would like to do and do it…the pause that refreshes.  For work, for relationships, for health, wealth, love, and happiness, pausing will regenerate purposeful living.


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