Home Tools and Applications Personal & Life Coaching The Power of Purpose in Shaping Our Lives

The Power of Purpose in Shaping Our Lives

1 min read

To ignore that voice in our heads, that feeling in our hearts

A knowing that we are living life on auto mode

An anesthesia called ‘routine’ makes it easy to continue down this path

• Why give up the familiar for the unknown, why stretch when you can curl in?

• Why question when you can live without knowing the answer?

• Why risk getting hurt in the quest for excellence when average is acceptable?

• Why awaken when slumber is less scary?

• Why take responsibility when someone else is willing to get it done?

Sadly, while this way of living is comforting in the short term, it robs us of our greatness and makes us one more sheep to the already burgeoning herd.

It does not have to be this way

Start today, stop, pause, think, reflect

1. What makes you special, what are your talents?

2. What is your purpose in life, how can you use that to serve others and have fun?

3. What do you want to be remembered for in life?

You live once, make it memorable !

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