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Teaching Leaders to Coach Teams

13 min read

Teaching leaders to behave differently may therefore be best regarded as a culture change program and designed accordingly. Not surprisingly we commend a dialogic approach to managing change in this context rather than a conventional top down approach. A dialogic approach emphasizes the importance of dialogue and the provision of space for collective meaning making (9) (10).

As organizations seek to do more with less, to adapt faster to the demands of an ever more complex and dynamic world, and to align their collective efforts in the same direction, so we believe leaders will need to develop their capacity to coach. Leaders will need to enhance their capacity to coach, not only individuals, but teams and groups. Teaching leaders how to coach their teams may be the next ‘big thing’ in the coaching world, and the organizations that do this best are likely to be those who recognize the importance of adopting a longitudinal systemic approach to facilitating the emergence of new capacity.

Teaching leaders how to coach their teams may be the next ‘big thing’ in the coaching world, and the organizations that do this best are likely to be those who recognize the importance of adopting a longitudinal systemic approach to facilitating the emergence of new capacity.


Notes & Acknowledgments

  • (1) Hawkins, P. (2017). Leadership Team Coaching 3rd edition. UK: Kogan Page
  • (2) Lawrence, P. & Whyte, A. (2017). What do Experienced Team Coaches Do? Current Practice in Australia and New Zealand. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 15(1), 94-113.
  • (3) Lawrence, P. (2017). Managerial Coaching – a Literature Review International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 15(2), 44-69
  • (4) Hunt, J.H., & Weintraub, J.R. (2017). The Coaching Manager 3rd edition. US: Sage.
  • (5) Hackman, R. & Wageman, R. (2005). A Theory of Team Coaching. The Academy of Management Review, 30(2), 269-287
  • (6) Clutterbuck, D. (2007). Coaching the Team at Work. London: Nicholas Brealey
  • (7) Isaacs, W. (1999). Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together. US: Currency
  • (8) Lawrence, P. (2014). Leading Change: how successful leaders approach change management. UK: Kogan Page
  • (9) Lawrence, P. (2015). Leading Change – Insights Into How Leaders Actually Approach the Challenge of Complexity. Journal of Change Management, 15(3), 231-252
  • (10) Lawrence, P. (2018). Coaching in Three Dimensions. Meeting the Challenges of a Complex World. UK: Routledge
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One Comment

  1. Roz Kay

    March 26, 2021 at 12:45 am

    I found this article interesting and shared the link with students in an online degree program. My main role is that of executive coach and what you have written seems to capture what I experience and hear from clients.


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