As a 21st Century Gulliver, I will be passing through three lands on the way to a land of irony. In this essay, I pass through the first two lands: Alpha and Beta.
An international coach and consultant, professor in the fields of psychology, management and public administration, author of more than 50 books, and president of a global institution (PSP) that provides training, conducts research, and publishes books at the cutting edge of professional psychology. Dr. Bergquist consults on and writes about personal, group, organizational and societal transitions and transformations. In recent years, Bergquist has focused on the processes of organizational coaching and the field of health psychology. He is coauthor with Agnes Mura of coachbook and consultbook, co-founder of the Library of Professional Coaching and founder of the Library of Professional Psychology.
As a 21st Century Gulliver, I will be passing through three lands on the way to a land of irony. In this essay, I pass through the first two lands: Alpha and Beta.
The contingent leader at times can lead through wisdom, and at other times can lead through either courage or vision.
I am not alone in suggesting that complexity, uncertainty (including ambiguity) and turbulence (volatility) are widely to be found in our contemporary world. I add, a fourth component that makes complexity, uncertainty and turbulence even more challenging—this is the condition of contradiction.
I will be engaging Rorty’s concept of irony throughout the multi-dimensional analysis that is to follow.
As professional coaches we can assist our clients in becoming more appreciative of Rorty’s “unfamiliar sorts of people” and the unfamiliar thoughts and “truths” that accompany these people.
At the heart of the concept of generativity resides the process of caring, and the transformation that occurs in this caring process during one's lifetime,
In July of 2017, we wrote: We are publishing the things you as coaches want to share with your peers. You might consider it a digital conversation of show-and-tell to contribute to people who, like you, are craftspeople of the soul. When you sit down for coffee or a meal with your coaching friends, what do you share about how …
An evidence-based foundation for coach training and contracting of coaching services is a desired outcome of the research that is being conducted.
I recently was talking to a man living in our community who I have come to respect and who has become something of a teacher for me. His name is Keven O’Brian and he served for many years on a US Aircraft Carrier – the Lexington. Keven told me that the flight deck on an aircraft carrier is one of …
In this essay, we rely on a script that has already been written by the original playwright, Erik Erikson—and by subsequent authors and researchers in the field of adult development.
Janet Locane: Thanks...