The degree of congruence between women and men is truly remarkable. Apparently, gender doesn’t make much of a difference when it comes to the perspectives held by professional coaches and responses to challenges faced by coaches.
An international coach and consultant, professor in the fields of psychology, management and public administration, author of more than 50 books, and president of a global institution (PSP) that provides training, conducts research, and publishes books at the cutting edge of professional psychology. Dr. Bergquist consults on and writes about personal, group, organizational and societal transitions and transformations. In recent years, Bergquist has focused on the processes of organizational coaching and the field of health psychology. He is coauthor with Agnes Mura of coachbook and consultbook, co-founder of the Library of Professional Coaching and founder of the Library of Professional Psychology.
The degree of congruence between women and men is truly remarkable. Apparently, gender doesn’t make much of a difference when it comes to the perspectives held by professional coaches and responses to challenges faced by coaches.
We concentrate in this third study on responses to two Development of Coaches Survey questions that focus on the sources of influence in the career of professional coaches.
This report is the second in a series that convey and interpret results from two versions of a questionnaire that was initially prepared by the Development of Coaches Research Collaborative in cooperation with the Collaborative Research Network of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Completed in 2009 by 153 coaches from throughout the world, the first survey was followed by a …
Unlike most coaching surveys, the two surveys conducted in 2009 and 2015 were directed toward those actually doing the coaching, rather than the users of coaching services.
A set of questions that should be considered by a professional coach in bringing a coaching engagement to a close.
Organizational coaches can play an important role in meeting the distinctive challenges associated with entrepreneurial leadership in closely held professional enterprises.
William Bergquist and William Carrier We need to know more about what we are doing as professional coaches working in a complex and highly dynamic environment. This third issue of The Future of Coaching (like the second issue) is devoted to addressing questions associated with this knowledge gap. Francine Campone: Real World Coaching: Real World Research Leslie Evans and Vance …
The list in this issue identifies some of the books to be found in the LPC Writers Cottage.
The Balint Method has been used recently among professional coaches in their work with one another in a group setting (usually 6-8 coaches)
In this essay and the following four essays in this issue of Sage (and the four following issues of Sage) we turn to the heart of the matter regarding Theory S: the civic engagements of the Sage 100.
Janet Locane: Thanks...