I broaden consideration of each VUCA-Plus element—considering the polarities associated with each element. I also introduce the opposite of VUCA-Plus.
An international coach and consultant, professor in the fields of psychology, management and public administration, author of more than 50 books, and president of a global institution (PSP) that provides training, conducts research, and publishes books at the cutting edge of professional psychology. Dr. Bergquist consults on and writes about personal, group, organizational and societal transitions and transformations. In recent years, Bergquist has focused on the processes of organizational coaching and the field of health psychology. He is coauthor with Agnes Mura of coachbook and consultbook, co-founder of the Library of Professional Coaching and founder of the Library of Professional Psychology.
I broaden consideration of each VUCA-Plus element—considering the polarities associated with each element. I also introduce the opposite of VUCA-Plus.
The first reviews of The Ark of Leadership are now in. They are positive and quite gratifying for the three authors:
The Ark of Leadership: An Integrative Perspective By William Bergquist, Jeannine Sandstrom and Agnes Mura To download this sample chapter, click the red button below. To purchase the book, click the link on book title above. Chapter 2 On Board the Ark – The Storm We Are Weathering Noah built his Ark in preparation for a great storm. We are …
The state of Generativity is important for coaching clients to appreciate and set forth as one of the meta-goals in their life and work-- especially when contrasted with a state of Stagnation in life. A professional coach is perfectly positioned to assist their clients in finding one or more of the four modes of Generativity in their interactions with colleagues, in the leadership they provide in their organization or community, and in the deep caring way in which they attend to those people and projects of greatest importance in their life.
This exploration of generativity both inside and outside a person is essential when coaching someone regarding the way(s) in which and reasons why they are caring deeply in their life.
Like the glorious foliage of the Fall season, these Autumnal women and men are more than living out the middle and late stages of life. They are bursting with colorful and generative perspectives and deeply caring actions.
William Bergquist and Gary Quehl In essence, we are all actors living on the stage of life–a common metaphor used by many writers, including William Shakespeare. Yet it continues to be a useful metaphor, given what many of us experience on a daily basis as mature adults. We live on a stage populated by many actors – all of whom …
There are many choices available to each of us during a lifetime. These choices can lead us to a self-renewing life or to stagnation and decline. Many of these decisions concern the way and the extent to which we care about other people, our heritage, and our community.
A 48 page document is available for downloading below. This Literature List focuses on documents related to the complexity and dynamics of coaching relationships. Primary documents are first identified, followed by recent documents, key documents arranged by topic and remaining documents arranged by year of publication. This extensive list (with most documents being annotated) concludes with a list of foundational …
A 48 page document is available for downloading below that focuses on documents related to the training adn education of coach (as well as the clients that they serve).
Janet Locane: Thanks...