Home Concepts Adult Development Histories of the 50 Emerging Sage Leaders

Histories of the 50 Emerging Sage Leaders

13 min read

I don’t see myself on a career trajectory. I work where I see a need and feel engagement in the issues. At some point, I’d like to open a bakery with a literary non-profit organization associated with it. We’re at a point where we all need to wake-up and get on our path.

I made a decision a long time ago that having a stable environment for raising our children was more important than personal ambition. I’ve had a nice long run in education and retired last summer. I see retirement more as a time to address the question, “What am I on this earth for?” more than just taking time to play. To balance my life, I could see myself exploring a different type of creativity. I’d like to take on a challenge and do something I’ve never done before, like building a garage— even though it would probably cost twice as much and be half as good. I will always be drawn to supporting the community in some way. Communities depend on people stepping-up and filling roles, and although I am not sure of what that might be in the future, I know I will be involved in some way.


Other essays in this issue of Sage:

Histories of the 50 Senior Sage Leaders:


Peak Life Experiences: The Beginning of Emerging Sage Leadership:


Peak Life Experiences: The Beginning of Senior Sage Leadership:


Interview Profile of Emerging Sage Leader Richard Baker


Interview Profile of Senior Sage Leader Barbara Thomas


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