Home Concepts Adult Development Histories of the 50 Senior Sage Leaders

Histories of the 50 Senior Sage Leaders

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There is a lot of past family involvement in the community. On my husband’s side was a Nevada City founding father. On the side of my husband’s mother was a homesteader in Indian Flat and a member of many community organizations. The men and women of the family have always been involved in the volunteer fire department, city government, and service organizations.

My father was President of the San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce and was involved in a number of other civic organizations as well. My mother did volunteer work for as long as I can remember, and still does at 89 years of age. It was just part of growing up in our family. We had a philosophy that “those who are given much must return.”

I grew-up in a Jewish culture, and our family always placed a high value on helping others.

My dad’s mantra was, “You owe it to serve your community. It’s about love, and that’s what being Christian is all about.” He was chosen Green Bay Citizen of the Year in 1986, 22 years before his death at age 93.

We didn’t have a lot of money, and my father worked all the time so couldn’t volunteer. And my mother didn’t have the time either. We were just a hardworking family with six kids. The idea of community service just wasn’t there – we were probably looking more like the recipients of community service than anything.

Most senior sage leaders attended traditional public elementary and secondary schools, and almost all earned a bachelor or associate degree. A third went on to earn a master’s degree, and one-fifth earned a Ph. D., a law degree, or other advanced graduate degree. Two-thirds attended a wide range of California public and private colleges and universities, and one-third graduated from higher learning institutions in other states: Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, Massachusetts, Florida.

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