Home Concepts Adult Development The Big Picture, Civic Engagement and Generativity Four

The Big Picture, Civic Engagement and Generativity Four

122 min read

Senior Sage Leaders

As in the case of the Emerging Sage Leaders, the Senior leaders identify seven major benefits—but they are not all the same as those identified by their younger colleagues. Professional coaches should recognize these differences when working with leaders of different ages. Like their Emerging Sage colleagues, Senior Sage leaders believe the most valued benefit is personal fulfillment: “Making these concerts and music available, and the way it’s done, gives me a feeling of real accomplishment. It also makes me feel that in some way, through the arts, we’re making this a better place to live. That is quite fulfilling.”

Building personal relationships: As in the case of Emerging leaders, relationships are another perceived benefit that Senior Sages receive from their civic engagements:

“First of all, there is a feeling of relevance. I think it is very dangerous for anyone not to feel relevant. I also get a lot of reinforcement from people who are happy with the contributions they believe that I make. And I’ve gotten to know a lot of good people who I would never have known without my community involvements.”

For many Senior Sage leaders, what motivates them, and the benefits they receive from their civic involvements, are one-in-the same—helping others:

“Take Habit for Humanity as an example. I work with a group of friends I have made within a Habitat construction crew. We go out and hammer nails and get a lot done while also having a good time. Best of all, we are helping families to have a nice home. What can beat that?”

Community betterment. There is another generative benefit that Senior Sages identify from their civic involvements. It concerns the same push toward legacy that we find among the Emerging Sage leaders:

“I feel I have been able to give back to the community that has given so much to our family.”

“I hope I am bringing value to organizations that are contributing to the overall benefit of the community. When I first came here, I saw what people were trying to do, and I’m proud of living in this area. I’ve always been one to practice what I preach, help out if I can to make the community even better. I volunteer for both little things and big things.”

This benefit is directly tied to Stage Three Generativity:

“My wife and I have been involved with others in growing the arts, and 32 years ago there wasn’t much here. Now the arts are flourishing. Yes, one of our theatres, which I loved, closed, but we still have three or four other active theatre companies. And we have two premier and very active musical organizations, leaving aside the other music groups here that seem endless. So, we have a community that is physically beautiful, somewhat remote, but has a rich cultural life.”

Belonging and Relationships: Like their Emerging counterparts, Senior Sage leaders often speak of engaging the community through their volunteer work – the sense of belonging to a great cause that brings them together with kindred spirits. Their commitments and passions are especially exhibited and fulfilled through their favored organizations. They feel worthy and worthwhile because they have something to give, and their talents and experiences are recognized by others.

Senior Sages realize with pride that they possess the skills and motivation that are needed to make a difference. It is through identifying their unique skill set (often with the assistance of a professional coach) that older leaders are likely to not only be of greater value to their community, but also find others in their community who bring complementary skills and knowledge to the task of community development. It is with greater self-knowledge that one can most effectively collaborate with others.. Furthermore, it is through collaboration that senior leaders find the opportunities to leave (or avoid) the silos of old age and build new and enduring friendships.

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