Home Concepts Best Practices 5 Big Coaching Trends For 2021 And Beyond

5 Big Coaching Trends For 2021 And Beyond

4 min read

3.Niche coaching will increase

It’s true that most coaches can work with a wide range of people, problems and challenges, but just because they can doesn’t mean they should! The reality is that most people are seeking out a solution to a specific problem, and the more aligned with that problem a coach is, the more likely they are to be chosen. A good example I often use is that of a client who wants to quit smoking; are they more likely to choose an award-winning, best-selling generalist coach, who helps clients with a vast array of issues including quitting smoking? Or will they choose the ‘stop-smoking’ coach, who was a chain smoker themselves for many years, beat the habit and now focuses exclusively on helping others to quit smoking for good? I think you can see where I’m going with this. Of course niching means shrinking down the pool of potential clients that could be reached, but it’s a smaller more targeted group who are far more likely to convert to fee-paying clients.

4.Automation and delegation are necessary for growth

Many of the coaches that I work with have a vision of becoming six figure coaches, and whilst it is entirely achievable, that doesn’t mean it will be easy, particularly if they are a one-man operation. As the business grows, it is essential to realize the benefits of automating administrative tasks through software in addition to delegating or outsourcing requirements such as ghostwriting, videography and web content.

5.Matchmaking will become a core part of the qualification process

In the typical demand supply relationship, the client will tend to be the one responsible for deciding which coach they ultimately choose to work with. Coaches end up working with clients who have selected them, regardless of whether there was a natural fit with the client or not. The result was that in some cases, a less than optimal outcome would be received and negative feedback would follow. This was not because the coach had done anything wrong, or their methods and techniques were flawed, more that the client was not right for the programme, service, or coaching style. One of the best developments (in my opinion) is going to be a greater emphasis on coaches matchmaking the right clients according to their personalities and fields of expertise. The balance of power will shift, so that both clients and coaches can equally determine whether they should work together or not. This is clearly a win-win for both sides.

There are many other developments taking place in the coaching sector which are set to transform the way coaches do business, seek out clients and manage their operations.

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  1. Marubini Rahulani

    August 3, 2021 at 2:56 am

    It helps us to be aware that we must keep a deeper connection with our clients


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