15 min read

So, I’d move from client to client.  It would start out great, but then when they saw that what they had was a screwball on their hands, even when what was coming out was positive, they just wanted to do what was normal in peace.  I wasn’t stable enough for them and didn’t provide enough certainty.  They didn’t want the endless deep dives into the nature of their reality.  They wanted to make money, sell whatever they were selling and not rock the boat.  And, I was endlessly wanting deep dives.  So… while an oblique shaft of illumination brings insight, new futures, and real thinking, people don’t want it when they’ve got a house to clean, or whatever it is considered essential.

That’s what an oblique shaft of illumination is.  You see it on television, with the great comedy guys –always saying what’s funny and eccentric.  That’s who I am.  So, one of my life challenges is, what the hell should I do?  I can’t have a stable economic basis.  People who make lots of money do the same thing over and over again, stay stable and usually within bounds of what their customers are comfortable with.  They’re not always bringing oblique shafts of illumination.  It’s a joke.  I’m always looking for the next, better idea.   I keep thinking that I don’t belong in this world.  I don’t want to kill myself, but I don’t know what world to devote myself to.  I find it in Kindred Spirits I talk with and can just be myself spontaneously, but out there in the field it’s not stable.  So, that’s part of this life.

Another part of this life is really wanting transformation.  I’m determined to bring about altered states, to cause another level of consciousness, another level of performance, another level of what’s real for people. David is a friend who lives in Germany now.   He was a transformational trainer for 20 years.   He said, if you want to transform something, somebody has to be committed, promised to something.  If they’re not already committed, it’s not going to work.  There’s also got to be something missing…, something not there, which if it was there, would make a big difference.  What’s missing?  That will get you so far, but still not to a transformation.

Then, the question is, what’s missing that gets what’s missing to be missing?  That’s the deep dive for all of us. You ask what’s missing that gets what’s missing to be missing e.g. Nobody really disagrees with the leader …, it’s just people talking, but it’s not directional.  But that’s where the “wow”, the magic comes from.  The oblique shaft of illumination comes from being able to see that deeply into any situation.  You can transform anything.  What’s missing that gets what’s missing to be missing will take you on a deep dive into what will transform, because that’s what’s transformational.  That’s what shapes context and gets what’s missing to be actually missing.

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One Comment

  1. Alaina Love

    September 17, 2020 at 4:42 pm



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