Home Concepts Communication “Face Your Strengths®” Methodology

“Face Your Strengths®” Methodology

8 min read

The information conveyed through a person’s face, from both expressions and also the structure and proportions is unmistakably powerful and immediate.

Physiognomy is the method that evaluates and studies the proportions of the face, and the individual characteristics from which we can draw conclusions about the underlying tendencies and predispositions of the personality. It is an ancient yet evolutionary method that reflects information about what lies within us and is revealed on our face.

There is a direct correlation between morphological and psychological characteristics. Their form and functionality is directly connected.

Form follows function. Humans as a species have evolved for self-preservation and reproduction reasons with the subconscious ability to instantaneously gather information about people around from a face to face encounter.

Our external features are visible, apparent. Whether we are able to decode what is displayed and available for all, used to depend solely upon our sensory acuity and perceptive observation,

Through a single glance, information about attitude, health, fertility, and character can be perceived. This can explain why our first impression is most often than not more accurate.

In modern societies, people have been conditioned to respond to and follow social rules, which as a result inhibit their natural sensory acuity.

Our facial features are visible to all. Whether we are able to decode them accurately depends on the combination of our sensory acuity, our perceptive faculties, combined with knowledge of the meanings.

Through proper application of Physiognomy’s specific rules of proportions, association and meaning of each feature, we can now have insight into who we truly are.

This knowledge helps us in distinguishing the differences between our true potential, from the stereotyped image that we and our society have built and conditioned for ourselves.

Further, through Communications Coaching we focus and highlight the coachee’s personality strengths. The latter derives from certain psychometric tools and personal sessions, where the coachee becomes aware of his strengths and how to apply them in any given situation or goal.

Working with the coachee’s signature strengths, developing them and furthermore building a tailor-made personal communication strategy is the key in influencing and above all conveying any message according to the set goal with clarity and confidence.

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One Comment

  1. Medha

    February 17, 2016 at 5:24 pm

    How to avail this coaching?


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