Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Finding Essence in a VUCA-Plus World III: Trust and Polarity Management

Finding Essence in a VUCA-Plus World III: Trust and Polarity Management

60 min read

Strength and Clarity: I would suggest that two other assessments should also be made regarding each of the forces that have been identified. The first assessment concerns the strength of each force as it helps or hurts accomplishment of the desired outcomes. The strength will vary depending on the specific outcome being considered.  This assessment is particularly important in the case of polarities. There is an inclination to overestimate the strength of a particular negative force regarding one polarity when beginning to swing to the opposite polarity. We have a strong desire to rationalize the swing. As a result, the enemies of the first polarity grow stronger and we find even more reasons to escape this troubled and besieged polarity.

The second assessment concerns our own confidence with regard to the potential impact of each force on the desired outcomes. Are we sure this force will have a positive (negative) impact? How do we know that this force is particularly strong (or weak)? Do we need to do some more research on this force in order to be better informed regarding its valence and/or strength? Once again, this assessment is of particular value when we are facing polarities. Our emotions are likely to be a bit higher when the push and pull of polarities are prevalent. It is critical that we slow down, double check our findings, and critically examine the assumptions and biases we bring to our force field assessment.

With the completion of these force field analyses, we are in an excellent position to begin our polarity-based analysis.

Graphic Representation of the Trust Polarity

The parameters have been introduced and the players introduced. It is now time to present a graphic that incorporates these parameters and players. Here is this graphic representation.

Polarity Diagram One



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