O² (Quest) Upside
We extoll the benefits of opportunity and openness that are found in an O² world of Quest. We find an emphasis on innovation and adventure at this other end of the polarity. An O² Quest produces an opportunity for growth and an openness to new experiences. We journey outward and upward, finding new paths and gaining new insights about the dynamic world in which we live. Susan envisions a life in which she is not just challenged to uncover her own competencies, but also is provided with wonderful experiences that she cannot find in her suburb community. Susan imagines journeying to a major city—such as Chicago. She could find a job that is both different from and more fulfilling than being a receptionist. What about Rick? Unlike Susan, Rick is actually living an O² life of Quest. He is thriving in the vibrant world of New York City advertising and in the rich cultural life he finds in this cosmopolitan environment. He can live in an environment that enables him to explore the full meaning of his own lifestyle preferences. Susan would be able to try out different lifestyle preferences in her own life if she embarked on an O² Quest.
Historically, we have found times during the past century when American society (and many other societies throughout the world) has produced mini renaissances—with free expression of ideas and diverse images of a desired future. O² (Quest) provides opportunities for minority perspectives to be entertained, as well as openness to new cultural forms (in the arts and media). O² provides the “oxygen” that refreshes and energies a society. Borders are opened and “newcomers” are welcomed, as are the changes that these immigrants bring to the existing society.
It is important to reiterate that Trust plays a quite different role at this end of the polarity. Trust is no longer the desired outcome. Trust is now a prerequisite to one’s successful engagement of a Quest. If we can’t Trust our own competencies or the competencies someone who Is providing us with support, then we shouldn’t embark on the journey. If we are not clear and certain about the reasons why we are taking on the Quest, then maybe we should not choose this option. If this means journeying to a “strange new world” where our fundamental perspectives and practices are being challenged or readily misunderstood, then maybe we should stay put. In each case, we need to first establish Trust before taking out our roadmap and warming up the engine. If Trust has not been established, then it becomes an impediment (a negative force) and belongs on the downside of Johnson’s polarity map.
O² (Quest) Downside
Is the journey outward into an exciting new world all good? Can we find “heaven” in a world that is saturated with O² (Quest)? I am reminded of an Emergency Ward physician who I interviewed many years ago. He indicated that the Emergency Ward was “heaven” for him. It is a world filled with challenges, life-and-death decisions and new learning (about surgical procedures) around every corner. What about today? Would this doctor still consider his emergency ward to be heaven after many years of facing these life-and-death challenges? A world saturated with O² can kill us. We need some other gases in the air we breathe. We also need escape from a world filled with O² challenges—which are particularly prevalent when VUCA-Plus is prevalent. Opportunities are fine—but sometimes we need to relax into something that we already know well and can readily engage. Openness is desirable—but we don’t want to be flooded with experiences or people who require our constant adjustment and adaptation.
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