Collective flailing has also been engaged many times by societies throughout history. We have the short-term adoration of specific people and cultural artifacts (clothing styles, TV programs, colloquialisms, etc.). Flailing is pronounced when members of a society have lost their anchor (stable values), their revered leaders, and their collective vision of the future (Polak, 1972: Bergquist, 2024c). We see dramatic examples of collective flailing in the turbulent numbers offered by reputable polling organizations and in the temporary celebrity-status of some previously unknown movie actor or sports figure. Many years ago, the noted artist, Andy Warhol, provided us with a clear (yet profoundly cynical) perspective on the temporary status of celebrityhood: “in the future everyone will be world famous for fifteen minutes.” We shift back and forth as a society between a search for stability (S²: security and safety) and a search for that which is new and exciting (O²: opportunity and openness). The flailing that takes place in dramatic movement between these preferences is often de-stabilizing and destructive.
Conclusions: The Matter of Trust
Fundamentally, preferences and priorities are founded on the basic assumption made by Susan or Rick – or an entire society—regarding the way in which Trust is viewed and established. Do we establish Trust in preparation for an O² (Quest)? I would suspect that Susan isn’t going to move out of S² (Home) and is likely to ignore or discount the negative side of S² (Home) until she can Trust that the move to opportunity and openness are supported by sufficient Trust in her own competence, in the intentions of people on whom she will rely when starting the Quest, and in the similarity of perspectives and values of the community (as well as new friends and organization) to which she is journeying.
Similarly, Rick is not likely to leave New York City and a world of O² (Quest) until he is assured (Trust) that his hometown will be welcoming him back and that his distinctive lifestyle and partner preferences will be respected. He will also be testing his own intentions regarding the move back home. Can he Trust his new dreams and aspirations? Why is he going to leave the great opportunities that await him in the “Big Apple.” Is he just fantasizing about finding a rewarding job as a reporter in his local newspaper? Trust must also be present when a society becomes quest-driven (O²) When Trust is lacking, members of a society are likely to turn back from an open-minded relativistic frame (O²) to a frame of dualism (right/wrong, black/white) (S²) (Perry,1970; Bergquist, 2024c).
When we turn to S² (Home), then we find that Trust is viewed from a different perspective. As I have already noted, Trust now becomes a desired outcome rather than a prerequisite. A failure to achieve Trust through ensuring security and safety will lead members of a society away from (S²) to a cynical frame of multiplicity (Perry, 1970). Truth and the description of reality is now based on what will give us an advantage. An alternative reality is actually a convenient reality. Having been thrown out of Eden (S²) by the betrayal of a respected, trusted leader or by the corruption of once trust-worthy sources of information, members of a society assume that nothing can be believed and that the “golden rule” should be altered to “those with the gold will rule.” As Andy Warhol noted, fame and fortune are up for grabs. Without a collective sense of Trust, the polarities freeze in place and nothing good or constructive will take place. The message is clear. If emphasis is placed on security and safety then Trust must be achieved. The challenge is also now clear. How do we build a secure and safe platform of Trust where competency is demonstrated, appropriate intentions are secured, and shared comprehension is achieved. We turn to this matter in our next (and final) essay on the Essence of Trust.
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