Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Thinking Whole: Applied Decisional Sciences

Thinking Whole: Applied Decisional Sciences

26 min read

Thinking Slow

How it works

You start with a lot of material of which to make sense, follow a reductive, linear sequence of processes. Each step in the flow of processing changes the nature of the material processed, driving towards actionable insights. Think of it as a sort of dis-assembly line; at the end of which you end up with considerably less to consider than that with which you started.

The Good News

  1. Calm, steady progression.
  2. Extensive consideration.
  3. Communicable and teachable.

The Bad News

  1. Vulnerability resulting from error or the absence of even a singular datum.
  2. Simplification can introduce errors of omission.
  3. Multiplicity of steps open the door to increased opportunity to introduce error.

 The Problem with Fast and Slow, and Thin, et al

Perfectly workable for making decisions or judgments, or evaluations.

Not much help with invention, innovation, creativity, or genius; much less enlightenment.

Attempts at validation of the relative efficacy of either system have basically come up “even;” in that each system proved roughly equally likely to be as often right or as wrong as the other.

All that notwithstanding, Kahneman, and this particular book are foundational not only for the field of Behavioral Economics, but also for furthering our understanding of how we value what we value and how we decide what we decide.

(For the record, Danny Kahneman pretty much prefers the deliberate numbers-oriented Thinking Slow system; as he is not a big fan of human judgment.)

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