In the previous essay (Bergquist, 2024b), I introduced a set of strategies and tactics which I believe provide a viable alternative to Serenity as a way in which to cope with pressing VUCA-Plus issues (Bergquist, 2024a). I continue the presentation of strategies and tactics in this essay and in the third essay in this series. This set of strategies and tactics concern the Essential concerns embedded in each of the VUCA-Plus issues. I turn in this essay to ways in which complexity is transformed to enablement, ambiguity is transformed into an appreciation of perspective, and turbulence is transformed to learning and contradiction is transformed to prioritization.
The Nature of an Essential Lens and the Assessment of Essential Outcomes
Before offering descriptions of these four transformations, I wish to provide a more detailed description of the Essential lens graphic that I introduced in the previous essay on Essentials as well as suggest how Essential outcomes should be assessed.
The Model of Essentials
First the graphic.