Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Thinking Whole: Introducing 7-3-1

Thinking Whole: Introducing 7-3-1

13 min read

John Krubski and Alexandra K. Camus, Psy.D.

Thinking Whole is a practice that turned into theory that evolved into a system. Thinking Fast and Thinking Slow are the two forms of decisioning, as Kahneman described it. But, as we just noted, there’s a good bit more of which we humans are capable; such as invention, innovation, creativity, genius, and enlightenment, that are not encompassed by these systems. So, what’s the “rest of the story?”.

Clearly, neither of these two systems consider, much less incorporate those dimensions. For more than twenty-five years, we have been doing something with our clients. We have already described that “something” in earlier essays. It is only recently that we have amassed enough academic, scientific, and philosophical knowledge to explain it; hopefully well enough to be brief and hopefully so that you can not only make sense of the theory behind our success, but also find it possible to make it actionable to create yours.

How It Works

Thinking Whole is what lets you achieve repeatable moments of genius on demand. Achieving repeatable moments of genius on demand is how you create the future you deserve. In the next few pages, we will demonstrate how Thinking Whole fits into the schema of System One and System Two. In that model, Thinking Whole would be System Three or, as we prefer to think of it The Third Way. If that sounds a bit “eastern” or a little “Zen,” let there be no surprise about that. We have made every possible effort to include and embrace all paths to enlightenment. In fact, some parts of The Third Way borrow heavily from eastern disciplines and philosophies.

One key aspect of Thinking Whole is a systemic provision of a sort of “placeholder” that allows for the manifestation of what we may yet not know; or more aptly, allows for the fact that Thinking Whole xxx we don’t know what don’t know – yet it should have a part in our thinking. In that sense, Thinking Whole takes Taleb’s Black Swan event possibility into the arena of practical consideration.

But first, back to the basics. Here is a visualization of Thinking Fast and Slow:



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