Home Concepts Ethics Case Studies and Questions to Ask Yourself

Case Studies and Questions to Ask Yourself

15 min read


Ethics and Good Business Practice: A Lesson from Rotary

When we think of Ethics in a profession, we may get lost in legalistic discussions of rules, rubrics, and detailed guidelines of how professionals should behave.  Simplifying that to a common-sense approach (which maybe is not so common) may help make the application more simple, clear, and practical.

The first ethical standard embraced by the ICF is,

“I will conduct myself in a manner that reflects well on coaching as a profession and I will refrain from doing anything that harms the public’s understanding or acceptance of coaching as a profession.”

This standard and those that follow it should really be common sense, but as busy and distracted humans, reminders can help.

Since 1932, Rotary International has utilized a Four Way Test as its hallmark to guide member conduct.  Its simple steps may assist t] the coaching community to understand and implement the ICF Standards of Ethical Conduct.  The Four Way Test provides a concise and easy reminder of the intent of all the ethical guidelines of our profession.

The Four Way Test of the things we say and do (Rotary International):

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
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