Home Concepts Ethics Certification, Designation, Licensure, and Accreditation, Oh My…

Certification, Designation, Licensure, and Accreditation, Oh My…

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The article also provides this useful description of standard terms and definitions.

 Credential: An umbrella term used for many types of programs such as licensure, certification, accreditation, designation, and certificates. A credential is an attestation of qualification, competence, or authority issued to an individual by a third party with a relevant de facto authority or assumed competence to do so.

Credentialing: The process used to establish the qualifications of professionals, organizational members, or organizations and to assess their background and legitimacy to meet predetermined and standardized criteria. Individuals, organizations, processes, services, or products may be credentialed.

Licensure: A process by which a nongovernmental agency grants time-limited permission to an individual to engage in a given occupation after verifying that he or she has met predetermined and standardized criteria (usually education, experience, and examination). For example, Attorney at Law (J.D.) or Pharmacist (RPh)

Certification: A voluntary process by which a nongovernmental agency grants a time-limited recognition to an individual after verifying that he or she has met predetermined and standardized criteria. For example, ICF’s granting designation as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

Certificate: A voluntary process by which a person or organization acquires a document as evidence, or as written testimony, of status, qualifications, privileges, or the truth of something.

Accreditation: A voluntary (or quasi-mandatory) process by which a non-governmental entity grants a time-limited recognition or credentials to an organization after verifying that predetermined and standardized criteria are met.

For example, accredited colleges and universities.

Credentialing programs: Many organizations in the coaching field offer different types of credentials. For example, International Coach Federation (ICF), Center for Executive Coaching (CEC), Coach Training and Certification Program (CTI), and Center for Coaching Certification (CCC), to list a few.

Here’s the bottom line. Why care about licensing, credentialing, etc.? Although these designations cannot provide 100% guarantee, they do serve as a means of quality assurance and credibility. I have never been asked about my credentials and certifications. I do however offer up my education and certifications at the beginning of a coaching or consulting conversation. After that, it’s all about my personal and professional relationship with my clients. I lose their trust and confidence – no amount of designations and certifications can recover a damaged relationship.


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One Comment

  1. Rey Carr

    January 31, 2018 at 6:50 pm

    Your article might have been more informative if it had pointed out how the ICF system of credentialing/accreditation differs from the cooperative and multi-organization approach discussed in the healthcare design article. For example, the ICF has no connection with other organizations that provide accrediting/credentialing in coaching; it has no foundation that it is based upon (they just made up their own without regard for how other groups operate) and it lacks continuous monitoring which is a cornerstone of non-coaching credentialing, licensing, accrediting.


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