Home Concepts Ethics Generativity and the Greater Good: The Life and Work of Two Professional Coaches

Generativity and the Greater Good: The Life and Work of Two Professional Coaches

64 min read

Generativity Four: it is at this level that the work and values of Rey Carr most closely align with the work and values of Lee Salmon. Both cared deeply about Sustainability at the level of leadership and at the level of the global environment. Betska K-Burr had this to say in her written statement about Rey Carr:

Rey is the perfect recipient for the Lee Salmon Award for “sustainable leadership” in the coaching industry. The key word is “sustainable” which to me means courageously renewing the industry so that it becomes more and more effective. Rey Carr is a Saint in the coaching world because he does what is right for the industry, not for himself. He fosters renewal by encouraging inclusiveness. For example, as we are all aware, there are many governing bodies in the world of coaching where one may go to receive a credential. Over the years as many RFP’s [Requests for Proposals] were issued from governments here in Canada they would often state that the applicants must absolutely have a coaching credential from a given governing body and they would name the governing body. Doing the right thing, Rey would immediately write to these RFP issuing governments and state that this type of exclusiveness could be in violation of the Canadian Competition Act. In his letter, he would always clarify that he himself was not applying to the RFP. As a result of Rey’s courageous action, inevitably the government would re-issue the RFP so that Coaches who have their credentials from various other global governing bodies could also apply. This helped shift the mind-sets of organizations who believe that there is only one governing body worthy of giving credentials. So from the bottom of my heart, I thank Rey for fighting for what is right. Here at CLI we call him the “Watchdog of the Coaching and Mentoring Industries”.

Beska has bestowed sainthood on Rey Carr in part because, like Jeremiah, he exemplifies the authenticity and willingness to confront other people and institutions when it is important. She also bestows him sainthood because, unlike Jeremiah, Rey balances his criticism with a willingness to be of help to those confronting major challenges – whether they are facing these challenges along or collectively. He both pushes and pulls.

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