One of the things I most admire in a leader is fairness and a willingness to listen to people who they don’t necessarily agree with. Also, the ability to appreciate different points of view and be able to articulate their views clearly and respectfully.
Humility. Traditionally, humility often has been seen as human weakness and anything but a trait of effective leadership. Pareena Lawrence sees humility differently. Humility includes such characteristics as self-awareness, valuing others, being willing to learn and change, sharing power, ability to hear truth and admit mistakes, and valuing a culture of openness where dissent is encouraged.
And emerging sage leaders agree:
I admire a leader’s willingness to let go of his or her ego. Leadership is not about making yourself look good or pursing your own agenda. A good leader is willing to step aside and let someone else take credit for accomplishments. It is amazing and wonderful when a leader can bring someone else along and let them have the glory. It is a beautiful thing!
I admire the leader who is humble and therefore teachable, and someone who is a good listener. Something they are really centered on so I can trust that their decisions are coming out of a principle-centered place and not just a whim. I like the term “Gentle Warrior” to describe a leader. Someone who is not afraid to fight for what they believe in, yet who is a humble and gentle person as well.
Empowering others. A significant trait of humble leaders is their overriding need and drive to empower other people:
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