The emerging sage leader can also be an ambassador who links members of the community to one another. And this linkage doesn’t occur just once. The ambassador helps newly-invited men and women to feel welcomed. The ambassador helps to reduce their insecurity, their sense of awkwardness, and their fear of isolation that often attends admission to a new group or organization.
Using Technical Knowledge
Another possibility having great potential is the use of social media among technologically-savvy men and women to provide information about civic engagement opportunities and to invite participation. Digital media can also be used to store and share information about available talents in a human resources bank; this can help younger members of the community learn about the civic engagements of others as well as the abundant opportunities for volunteer service in Grass Valley and Nevada City.
Then there is the alternative of institutionalizing the concept of civic engagement. Service learning is already being taught in the community’s school systems, so it might be expanded to the adult population in ways that educate them about the value of civic engagement and the personal benefits to be gained from using their talents and time in this way.
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