How Senior Sage Leaders Lead

8 min read

Then there are senior sages who possess in-depth knowledge of a complete field of endeavor or an organization’s history:

I have a deep history and understanding of what it takes to deal with the arts in Nevada County, and I think that’s my value at this point.

I believe I serve my organization best by being an idea person, a teacher, and a living memory of what has occurred since its founding. Also, some of the programming and projects we have done have either been my invention or co-invention. Increasingly, with new members coming onto the board with extraordinary experience, the need for me to play this role lessens—and that is a good thing.

Ensuring effective communication is a third way senior sage leaders most help their favored civic organizations. Sometimes this involves providing leadership in telling the organization’s story to the outside world:

Helping the hospital to effectively communicate its story has given me a great deal of meaning and satisfaction. The hospital is probably the largest non-government employer in Nevada County. Yet hospital management barely knew who the mayors and council members of our two cities were. For this reason I encouraged hospital management, physicians, and nurses to become more involved in local community issues. This initially met with resistance because management didn’t want to be put in a position of looking as if the hospital was taking sides on issues. In time, however, management came to realize that some issues are in their own self-interest—like the need for employee affordable housing. The hospital now has a vice-president for marketing, and this person gives regular feedback to hospital management from community stakeholders.

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