Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Community Engagement Sage Leadership Project: Vision, Purposes and Methodology

Sage Leadership Project: Vision, Purposes and Methodology

11 min read

5. What do you consider to be the major strengths and capabilities that have made you an effective community leader? Are they rooted in action, in your personal style, in your organizational, political, and personal relationships, or in something else?

6. There are five key roles that civic leaders often play in their community:

 Mentor: teaching and engaging others

 Mediator: helping to resolve conflict

 Monitor: serving as a community watchdog

 Mobilizer: working to bring about change

 Motivator: urging others to pursue worthy goals

As you think about your own involvement in our community, which of these roles have you   played and which do you consider to be your strongest?

7. This project has to do with the involvement of sage leaders like yourself in civic organizations that seek to improve the quality of life and well-being of Grass Valley and Nevada City. This includes nine types of civic organizations:

 Fraternal and service clubs

 Social services organizations

 Educational organizations

 Governmental and political organizations

 Arts organizations

 Media organizations

 Faith-based organizations

 Environmental organizations

 Other nonprofit organizations

In which of the nine types of civic organizations on the list are you currently involved? Overall, how many total hours a month do you give to these organizations?

8. What is the name of the one organization on the list in which you are most involved and committed? Were you invited to become involved or did you approach the organization and volunteer your services? Are you paid or unpaid? On average, how many hours a month do you give to this organization?

9. I’d like to learn more about your involvement in your favored organization by asking four questions: First, describe the leadership role that you play within the organization. Second, in what ways do you believe you have most helped the organization? Third, as you think back over your involvement in the organization, what roadblocks have been most challenging? Fourth, what experiences within the organization have given you the most meaning and satisfaction?

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