Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership The Ark of Leadership: Annotated Table of Contents

The Ark of Leadership: Annotated Table of Contents

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Section Two: Styles of Leadership on the Ark

Chapter Three

A Leadership Spectrum on the Ark: I. Three Primary Perspectives and Practices

“We propose that no one leadership style is best and that there are strengths associated with three primary styles, as well as strengths associated with various blends of these three styles. We will be using the metaphor of color in describing (and hopefully making memorable) each of these primary and blended styles.”

 Chapter Four

A Leadership Spectrum on the Ark: II. Blended Perspectives and Practices

“What about those leaders who blend several styles or want to “mix it up” with other people and seek to engage in collaborative leadership, generating ideas, intentions and information through discussion and dialogue? And what about those leaders who choose to use all three leadership styles and even to find a way in which to integrate all three?”

 Chapter Five

On Board the Ark: Interplay of Leadership Practices and Styles

“Important relationships exist between each of the five leadership practices and the styles of leadership we identified in our two previous chapters. Some practices fit beautifully with certain styles—it is like hand and glove. Other practices and styles are much harder to engage at the same time.”

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