Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership The Ark of Leadership: Annotated Table of Contents

The Ark of Leadership: Annotated Table of Contents

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Section Four: Shifting Leadership Strategies and Interpersonal Needs on the Ark’s Journey

 Chapter Eleven

Nourishment on the Ark: Interpersonal Needs and The Leadership Spectrum

“This chapter concerns the personal dimension of life in a group or team—and particularly the interpersonal needs of those who participate in this group or team. The specific premise underlying the concepts presented in this chapter is that a group is more likely to become a functioning, productive, collaborating team if the interpersonal needs of all members have been acknowledged and are being met.”

 Chapter Twelve

Forty Days and Forty Nights on the Ark: The Journey from Group to Team

“We begin our narrative regarding the journal from group to team by identifying the key stages to be found in this journey—and the interpersonal need and leadership style most closely associated with each stage and the Best Practices that best serves this stage.”


Section Five: The Ark and Art of Leadership Development

Chapter Thirteen

A Framework for Leadership Development on the Ark: Strategies for Change and the Coaching Process

 “How do we bring about change – leading to improvement in leadership performance— especially in a VUCA-Plus environment? How might professional coaching processes complement this change?”

Chapter Fourteen

A Framework for Partnership on the Ark: Organizational Coaching and Professional Development

“Training and education have become prominent features in the professional development curricula of many contemporary organizations. In this chapter, we briefly identify several of the reasons for this growing interest. We suggest ways in which training and education are enhanced by several complimentary coaching activities. Our attention then turns to the nature of and reasons for shifting concepts of training and education–and to the closely related emphasis on retention and transfer of learning.”

Chapter Fifteen

Development on the Ark: A Comprehensive and Appreciative Approach

“How can one appreciate the strengths of another person while also planning their further development? We would propose that these two terms, appreciation and development, are not contradictory. They are quite complimentary. Development is not just about acquiring new skills and knowledge; it is also about nourishing and building on existing strengths and enriching one’s own understanding of self and other people.”


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