Home Concepts Managing Stress & Challenges Don’t Stop With the First No

Don’t Stop With the First No

3 min read

Pessimists might say, “Wow, he had to wait three years to get what he wanted and I’m not that patient!” Well three years to make a dream come true; think twice. Frank A Clark said: If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.

Many, opportunities are smaller than buying a business or life may seem designed by environment (home, work, children) and not the other way around.

Saying “no” can mean an opportunity is as big as you want it to be with you in the driver’s seat. You let things happen to you because you let them happen. What if my friend had decided to let go after the first time and take no as the final answer? That story will never be told because he lives to design his own path. He is writing his own story, not an actor in someone else’s play, a victim of circumstance.

Photo Credit: NASA.GOV


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