Home Concepts Managing Stress & Challenges When You Can’t Choose Your Divorce, You Can Choose Your Attitude

When You Can’t Choose Your Divorce, You Can Choose Your Attitude

4 min read

In September of 2015, I did an impromptu 10 mile road race. At some point earlier that week, I got the idea to do the race; I believed I needed it. On race day, I was still compelled to run despite the hour-and-half drive from my home and the rainy, overcast, muggy weather. On the way to the race, I used my GPS, and I got lost. Not a good start.

When I arrived, I noticed a group of runners running in from the high school and not the middle school where I was parked. I was then embarrassed. The race director and staff were supportive, got me registered, gave me a bib number, and pointed me in the right direction.

Typically, I average a 10:30 per mile pace and was on that pace for about the first 4.5 miles. In fact, at one point, I passed three runners. However, somehow by mile 5, I got fatigued, and my legs felt heavy. I ended up with an average time of about 14.5 minutes per mile. Similar to the weather, getting lost and being late, my race time was not the mark of a good day. I finished the race but was not happy with my results.

Another emotional, and times physically difficult experience, was on the last day of August 2015 when, in court, I finalized my divorce. As with the road race, there was nothing easy about the day. And I realized again, sometimes in life, the only thing one can control is attitude. This was true as I dragged my heavy legs to the finish line of that race, just as it was true as I sat in court and ended my marriage.

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