Home Concepts Organizational Theory Coaching to Shift Corporate Consciousness

Coaching to Shift Corporate Consciousness

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To shift our consciousness, we first need to be aware of it and pay deep attention to it to shift our blind spots.

A first key step is to know how to see the world in new ways.

Developed by Otto Scharmer and described in his book “Theory U,” he states that “What we pay attention to and how we pay attention—both individually and collectively—is key to what we create.

What often prevents us from “attending” are what Scharmer calls our “blind spots,” the inner place from which each of us operates.

Learning to be present to and become aware of our blind spots is critical to bringing forth the profound strategic, systemic and innovative changes our clients are seeking in business today.

To generate discovery, we need know how to prototype, verify and manifest the new.

The next key step is to know how to enable our client to generate discovery. Joseph Jaworski, in his book “Source,” describes the generative discovery process as a way of:

(1) Being open to alternate and differing world views;

(2) Operating from the stance of human possibility;

 (3) Tapping into the generative order of the universe, the field of active information—the Source.

Jaworski broadly outlines the seven core practices:

  1. Preparation: Undertaking a disciplined path of inner self-management.
  2. Igniting passionate purpose: Defining your own unique necessity, for an innovative solution to a clearly defined problem, with the personal foreknowledge that the solution exists in the realm of human possibility.
  3. Observing and immersing: Seeing reality with fresh eyes, suspending judgment and immersing oneself in the whole system.
  4. Letting go: Releasing old mental models, mindsets and world views that will not serve your own innovation intention and process, beginning a period of incubation.
  5. Indwelling and illumination: Living in the undertaking, surrendering oneself to the work, retreating and reflecting, being in nature as a portal and receiving illumination—the perception of a new reality, discovering the hidden solution.
  6. Crystallizing and Prototyping: Transforming the business problem into an innovative vision and prototype.
  7. Testing and Verifying: Transforming the new knowledge into commercially viable and useable products, services and strategies in ways that people will connect to, value and cherish.


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