Home Concepts Organizational Theory Evolutionary Change and Organizational Innovation: Implications for Coaches and Their Leader Clients

Evolutionary Change and Organizational Innovation: Implications for Coaches and Their Leader Clients

18 min read


In order to promote organizational innovation, a coach should encourage her leader client to create and maintain a learning organization that is geared not only to learning from its mistakes but also to learning from its successes. The coach should encourage and guide her leader as he learns into the future through embracing successes rather than just seeking to avoid failures.

Concluding Comments

There are many applications that can be extracted from the Hardy-Weinberg Model.  I have hopefully identified a few of those which are of greatest relevance to the reader of this essay. Innovation and organizational change are not easy to implement and guide in the complex, unpredictable and turbulent environment in which contemporary leaders must operate.  We need to look to many sources of wisdom and insight when helping our leader clients formulate strategies to respond to the challenges of this dancing environment. I believe that the Hardy-Weinberg Model is one of these sources.



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