Home Concepts Philosophical Foundations Interview with Julio Olalla

Interview with Julio Olalla

67 min read

In other words, Newton was transcended, but Copernicus has not been transcended.  We are still Copernican when we take a look. Regardless of the size of the whole thing, we are still in that paradigm. We have transcended Newton, and now we talk about other kinds of physics; we talk about quantum and so forth. But the universe, in our common sense, is still considered mechanistic-a no-purpose, no-meaning, no-direction thing that only has meaning if we assign some to it. And  that  permeates  and informs every single thought of  the common  human  being on the planet today. That for me is essential to realize, and I am quoting [Richard]  Tarnas  on  this.  Tarnas  says  there  will  not be any fundamental shift in human thinking unless we shift the cosmology on which we are basing our thinking.

Bill. It is part of the Copernican cosmology  that  one  is  a static being and that the universe is static. You’re really moving toward a dynamic, fluid kind of a process in which the universe is becoming and is changing. Even the very fundamental laws of matter may themselves be in transition.

Julio. Yes, so that in itself breaks common sense. The laws are shifting themselves. Actually, we do know that the speed of light has changed through time. But  the  thing is, and  I  want  to put my point on this, Bill, we are now permeating  common  sense, and this is what we do in the Newfield programs.  I know there  are people in the field of physics who now are very spiritual. I know there are people in the spiritual domain who begin to shift because of the recent claims of physics. But let’s take a look at where political and corporate decisions are often mad e–these do not come from those places. We are still far from that.

And the other claim, and this has a lot to do with epistemology now, is that we have placed physics as our central science, not biology. According to Elisabet Sahtouris, a woman whom I admire very much, physics has defined very much the way of our cosmology because we are prone to mechanical perspectives. But we haven’t understood life. Every metaphor in the corporate world is a mechanistic metaphor. We don’t have living organizations, even when actually we are living beings having living relationships.

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